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How to keep the fire longer on the Lamp ?

Our life is just like the oil lamp, how to keep the fire burning well and longer? Add some oil from time to time. so what is the oil for our life? it is Qi.

Qi, is the energy of our body.

When we are born, our mother gives us the body, it is just like the Wick of the lamp, and some small amount of Qi to start our life. thanks to our greatest mother, who give our life to start.

Then we have the food to keep our "fire" growing up,Qi mainly comes from food, from our stomach food digesting. this Qi is so important to keep our life. Why does our health have problems?

1.  Attack From body outside, such like cold, hot, windy, humid, dry ..., we should take care of the fire, our body...

2. Unbalance from inside our body: our body is just like a factory creates the Qi energy, and keeps Qi runing in the body to keep our life.

When we get bad digestion, we do not have good appetite, the energy is insufficient, body feel tired.

when the "Qi" is stuck in somewhere, we lose balance. such as if stuck at the liver, we will have bad temper, anxious, bad sleeping, high blood presure, mastadenoma , etc.. 

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