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Moxibustion (Ai Jiu)

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy used in East Asian medicine to stimulate acupuncture points and the channels of the body without the use of needles. it help our energy "Qi" flow in our body.

An herb, artemisia vulgaris, commonly known as mugwort, and in Chinese medicine called "Ai herb", referred to as moxa is heated up and then applied on or near specific points on the body, to activate energy in the point, regulate the flow of qi and blood, and bring warmth, or yang energy, into the channels.

This technique has been around for well over 2000 years, and has been written about extensively in the traditional literature, and is also the subject of quite a bit of modern scientific research.

Moxibustion is used to address a wide variety of health concerns, depending on the cause and the nature of the imbalance, and may include things like digestive distress, low energy, achy joints, weakened immunity, chronic musculoskeletal injuries that are improved with heat, low libido, swollen ankles, prolapses, feeling excessively cold, excessive uterine bleeding, fertility support, breech baby presentation, post-natal recovery after childbirth… and many other conditions.

To proceed with this treatment, we also need to have a accurate diagnose first, to understand which inner organ problem, so we decide the applying points and channels on the body. wrong diagnose will lead to opposite result.

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