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Herbal treatment and rehabilitation of apoplectic sequelae. update every week, Live case

Date: Sept. 10. Name: MR. Liang shi zhen

From Shenzhen city, China.

Medical history: Stroke, Cerebral infarction 5 years ago. after treatment from hospital, safe back home. but has apoplectic sequelae: difficult to speak, high blood pressure, bad sleeping quality, sore on back, crowd and joint pain, limb numbness on left side. had acupuncture treatment for one year in other city, but no help.


Diagnose: Fire/hot/humid on Liver/gallbladder, phlegm in middle and liver wind attached on top/brain.

Treatment: remove phlegm from middle and top, cool down the fire on liver and release the humid /hot from urine

Herbal medicine Prescription:

ZHEBEI 12 Gram, Quan Gua Lou 20, Chen Pi 10, Huanglian 10,

Zhi zi 12, Dan Nan Xing 10, Xiakucao 15, Dan shen 10, Shi Gao 30, Baizhu 20,Shengyi Ren 30, Zhu Ru 15, Tao Ren 12, Gou Teng 15, Shi Jue Ming 30.

below are part of the herbs photos I used

Date Sept 14, 2022

Date Sept 18

Date Sept 20

you can see from the tongue changing a lot these days, and actually the patient change a lot by: much better sleep, less pain on back and waist, much less phlegm. better energy.

lower blood pressure. but crowd and joint pain, limb numbness on left side has no any improve progress. I will focus on this in coming days in prescription. the patient need time to recover slowly and slowly. I will update the information every week.

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