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How can Chinese medicine relieve menstrual pain?

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Severe dysmenorrhea can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, cold hands and feet, and even fainting; can Chinese medicine treat it? yes, herbal medicine can solve the problem from base.

Periodic pain in the abdomen or lower back, even to the lumbosacral region, before and after menstruation or during menstruation, which affects daily life and work, is called "dysmenorrhea". Severe dysmenorrhea may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, cold hands and feet, or even fainting.

Dysmenorrhea is divided into primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is also called "functional dysmenorrhea". This type of dysmenorrhea has no organic lesions in the reproductive organs and occurs in young unmarried women shortly after menarche. Secondary dysmenorrhea is mostly due to organic lesions in the pelvis, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or cervical stenosis, and is common in young women.

Modern medical research believes that the occurrence of primary dysmenorrhea is mainly related to endometrial tubular shedding (membranous dysmenorrhea), uterine dysplasia, uterine flexion and increased prostaglandin content in blood, in addition to physical and mental factors. Secondary dysmenorrhea is mostly caused by diseases that cause patients to suffer from qi stagnation and blood stasis, cold and dampness stagnation, qi and blood weakness, and liver and kidney deficiency.

Can Chinese medicine eradicate menstrual pain?

There are various causes of dysmenorrhea, but actually, it is only due to the stagnation of Qi and blood in the uterus caused by the lack of smooth flow of Qi and blood in the Chong and Ren Channels. As long as the stagnant blood in the uterus is dissolved and the Qi and blood in the body are unblocked, the dysmenorrhea will be relieved.

Chinese medicine can help relieve menstrual pain by taking internal herbal medicine, treating the symptoms with evidence, prescribing medicine for different causes and patient's constitution, as well as acupuncture treatment. As long as you adhere to the systematic and regular treatment, dysmenorrhea can be eradicated.

Acupressure for menstrual pain relief

Acupressure in Chinese medicine can significantly relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea. When dysmenorrhea occurs, the following acupressure points can sometimes have an immediate effect.

1. Press the Hegu point

Hegu point is located on the back of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones, about the midpoint of the flat second metacarpal bone. Easy access method: the thumb of one hand is placed on the webbing edge between the thumb and index finger of the other hand, under the tip of the thumb is the Hegu point. Massage with the left and right hand alternately to calm the pain and help the smooth elimination of menstrual blood.

2. Massage the Taichong point

Taichong point is located on the back of the foot, in the depression before the union of the first and second metatarsal bones. Taichong is the original point of the liver meridian, and massage of this point has the effect of relieving liver depression, moving qi and relieving pain.

3. massage the uterus point

Uterus point is located in the pubic symphysis on the thumb a horizontal finger, next to a palm distance, that is, located on both sides of the abdomen. Massage of the uterus point has the effect of activating blood circulation, relieving blood stasis and relieving pain. Massage before and after menstruation is useful for treating and preventing dysmenorrhea. You can also apply hot compresses to the abdomen to promote the flow of Qi and blood in the abdomen and relieve pain. 4.

4. Massage the Sanyinjiao point

Sanyinjiao point is located on the inner side of the calf, a flat palm distance above the tip of the inner ankle, behind the medial edge of the tibia. Massaging the Sanyinjiao point has the effect of communicating with the heart and kidneys and drawing fire downward. It can relieve the pain of all women's diseases.

Why is menstruation irregular?

Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon in women of childbearing age. From after puberty until menopause, a healthy woman of childbearing age usually has regular menstruation. Irregular menstruation, or menstrual disorders, is a symptom of a disorder in the overall functioning of the female body. It is mainly caused by external evil, internal injury to the seven emotions, poor diet, cold and cold drinks, and negligence after delivery and pregnancy, resulting in the malfunction of the internal organs, qi and blood, yin and yang, affecting the two veins and menstrual disorders.

How can Chinese medicine treat menstrual disorders?

The first step in the treatment of menstrual disorders is to prescribe medication according to the patient's constitution and the cause of the disorder. If the patient is suffering from liver depression and qi stagnation, for example, depression, irritability, breast pain, dry mouth, abdominal distension, etc., the physician will use the formula of Chai Hu Liver Dredging Soup or Dan Yuan Yuan Yao San to add or subtract changes to the formula for treatment. (please contact us for a diagnose, we will make treatment after accurate diagnose.

If the onset of menstrual disease is related to cold factors such as liking cold drinks, eating ice cream, craving for cold, not paying attention to warmth in a cold environment, and menstruation is accompanied by cold symptoms such as chilliness in the abdomen and fear of coldness all over the body, and the Chinese medicine practitioner identifies that the symptoms belong to cold clotting and blood stasis, the Chinese medicine practitioner often treats the patient by adding and subtracting the formula of Warm Menstruation Soup or Ai Shen Nuan Gong Wan. The treatment of menstrual disease in TCM starts from the physiological condition of women. According to the changes of the menstrual cycle, it regulates the balance of yin and yang of the body, de-stagnates the stagnation, drains the surplus and nourishes the deficiency, thus achieving the goal of symptom relief and cure. It also does not affect the pregnancy of patients with fertility requirements. This is the advantage of TCM treatment. Contact us for a detail diagnose, solve the problem from base by herbal medicine.

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