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Using herb for high fever, severe coughing

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Everyone is different, Accurate diagnose is the key before any action.

Patient Name: Jenny

May 19,2022

Female, 44 years old, Occupation: accountant.

symptoms: high fever: 39 degree

Coughing with phlegm, headache, tired, always feel sleepy.

Bad appetite

Tongue Diagnose:

Pulse Diagnose:

Left Pulse : Shangjiao: Strong but Fu. Weak on Middle Jiao and xia jiao

Right Pulse: Strong on Top shangjiao, weak on Middle and Xia jiao.

Prescripion: (using different herbs to make a grouip to help inner organ recover, increase the enery of body, so the body has enough energy to battle with the virus.)

two doses of herbal medicine (granules):

basic herbs ingrediants:

After one dose, high fever stop, come back to 37 degree as normal.

Less coughing.

Date: May23, 2022

Changed prescription by remove Gypsum.

Two more doses. Coughing stopped and totally recovered.

please don't use this prescripion by yourself, because different health situation, need to use different herb after an accurate diagnose.

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